Swimmer Progression
EVDSC has adopted a very straight forward progression process that has the swimmers development at mind. Every advancement comes with a trial period which helps the swimmer discover whether they are ready for the next level. This avoids any premature movement which can be detrimental to a swimmers confidence.
When a coach feels that a swimmer is ready to progress to the next level, it will be discussed at the coaches meeting prior to moves being discussed with the swimmer and their family.
All movement between the squads is at the Head Coach’s discretion. If the Head Coach believes the swimmer is ready, the family will be invited to meet with the Head Coach to discuss the change and transition period.
All swimmer progressions will follow this process:
- Coach proposes swimmer progression at coaches meeting.
- Head coach meets with family to discuss progression and transition period.
- With families agreement, transition period will begin
- Head coach will schedule a follow-up meeting with the family near the end of the transition period to review the swimmers progression.
- If the head coach, the swimmer, and their family are in agreement, the advancement will be made permanent.